
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day in the Life (DITL): 10/22/11

DITL of a weekend at home with my 17 mo. toddler--on a day my doctor husband actually had off from working at the hospital!


Saturday wake-up before 6AM (weekend sleep-ins no long exist with a toddler // Fuzzy morning shot with Sprout girl) // Change Sprout's diaper and get her dressed for the day.


Escape attempt before she's fully dressed // Dressed and on the move // Shoes and socks (one of our favorite things right now).


Messy living room // Banana toddler cookies as a breakfast nosh.


Rescue the pups from their crates in the laundry room (and lament the broken floor from a summer termite disaster fix) // Good morning puppies // Argh, muddy pawprints on broken tile floor--I'll be so glad when we get new linoleum next week (in a dog hair/mud-colored mess-covering print!).


Crazy pothos which was moved to the kitchen table in prep for Monday's floor fix // Hello, expectant dogs--fine, I'll get your kibble.


Sprout and I share a peach (I get the peel end) // When she starts making peach juice, I know she's done // Wash the sticky toddler hands.


Put on some "Melmo" from Netflix on my Roku--Sprout's favorite show (plus, I'm becoming a Kevin Clash fan--anyone else really want to see Being Elmo?)

Photobucket (not my favorite animal in the house, since she's taken to pooping on the front rug every other day...despite feline-away and despite kitty prozac) // Wake the husband lump in the bedroom.


Kiddo is looking a little bleary // Are you tired, Sprout girl? // Um, yup! // Magic boob.


Stare at the morning light on the nursery wall tree decal.


Play with my iphone while nursing // Me, too many apps? Never! It's fun discovering new ones--what are some of your faves?


Try to put Sprout down for a nap // And..she's up, throwing her blankets overboard // Try to put her down for a second time--I love how she self-soothes by rubbing her own head.


I lie on the couch, listening to Sprout girl complain at the injustice of being in her crib. Hubby has a lower tolerance for hearing Sprout complain (since he doesn't get as much time with her, due to being a family medicine resident at the hospital), so he picks up the kid--who of course then wants to be held only by "mama!!" No break for mama this morning...


Petting the dogs // Playing on the blocked off (by cardboard) fireplace.


Head into the bedroom // Play the game of taking out the pebbles from mama's rock fountain thing and putting the rocks on the bed // It's a good game.


Fastest glasses-snatcher in the house // Tickles and baby giggles on the bed.


Toddlerhood: defiance (exasperation); blur of non-stop activity; and sudden sweetness (kisses!).


From this angle, I can smell something...Oh, hubby? Why don't you change a baby diaper? // Hubby does not appreciate the fact that I gave him a poop diaper...but too bad! :P // I take the hands-free time to get myself dressed.


Baby and dogs beg for some of hubby's breakfast // Sprout samples some PB&J // Sprout shares some water with her Daddy.


We decided to go on a walk in the neighborhood // It's a bit chilly this morning so we bundle up Sprout girl (the hat doesn't stay on for long) // Dog butts.


We finally get in a nap // Sprout falls asleep while nursing on my tummy // We both sleep for an hour.


We're woken up by the mailman ringing the doorbell // Go change a diaper // Take a look at the photos I received in the mail--prints and a collage of photos of my dear MIL, who sadly passed away last month from breast cancer. The hubby expressed a wish for more photos in the house so Sprout could see her Nana. He couldn't look at the photos because he didn't want to cry.


Time for lunch! // Apple and pizza.


Back to playing in the living room // I frame and hang up the new MIL/in-law photos // Sprout girl wants to see the "baby" in the phone // No, you can't close your bedroom door, child.


We read one of my favorite kid apps // Turn on one more episode of "Elmo's World."


We then decide to head outside // Only one of the three fig trees that we planted in May seems to be doing OK--for now... // The pomegranite tree seems pretty happy, at least.


Head to the back yard // Daddy is sweeping up grass // We decide to watch // Maybe we can help Daddy with the grass?


Back n' forth from one grass pile to another x 20. God love toddlers :)

Back inside for a snack // Pandora "Bananaphone" station--yay for "Baby Beluga"! // Dance with the Sprout.


Time for mama to go to her mama book club! // First time out of the house today // Good time with the mama friends, discussing an evolutionary perspective on motherhood (I was the only one who got a little ways into the book this time--ah well! reading is optional with this group) // Heading back toward home.


Get home to find hubby making bean n' cheese quesadillas for himself // Hi, dogs // Finish out the night watching the dogs wrestle and partially paying attention to hubby's show, "Ultimate Warrior" (eh).




  1. Holy mother of . . . well, mother! I'm tired just from reading that! But what a great way to document life!

  2. Oh yes, the toddler years. Gotta love going to work because you know you'll be able to sit down for a minute! Such a cool blog you have - it will be fun to look back at years from now and remember these days.
